Isle of Dogs


£7.00 or more. Digital download. MP3 and FLAC

1. Isola dei cani 07:16
2. Isle of Dogs 05:45
3. Havana Street 04:40
4. Isle de chiens 03:16
5. I Love Dogs 05:30
6. Canaria 03:29
7. Insel der Hunde 04:51
8. Pride of the Isle 04:54
9. Canary Wharf 03:33

Another one from the archives - previously unpublished.
Isle of Dogs, my mothers place of birth. It's a funny place, much changed from my childhood on rare visits to Aunty Mary, my mother's family coming from the area and living in Havannah (Havanna on some street signs) Street. They lived in number 29 and then moved to 31, I think because it had an indoor toilet, just before 29 got bombed in the Blitz. Nothing survives of the original street which is now half it's original length. The pub, The Pride of the Isle was at number 20 - grandad (who died the year before I was born and was from Ratcliff) used to send my mum (1927-2016) as a child with a jug to the pub to get his beer.
Mum was working on the Island during the war at Montague Meyer's as a telephone exchange person and then secretary. A doodle-bug hit the MacDougall flour mill nearby which I think was actually dealing with phosphates at the time. Slightly injured she convalesced in Wells, Somerset where she met my father.
All the tracks in this collection have reference to the Isle of Dogs except "I Love Dogs".

released June 3, 2020

All songs ©Rob Corp - all played by me. All images mine, it's a composite using a couple of old maps and an aerial photograph.