Written in a week as part of the Dungeon Rush Challenge for winter solstice, 2022.
I used just a single Arturia Pigments synth patch (modified "Siren"), a Piano, and my voice. Any other variations in sound come from the effects chain.
Winter Synth
Instruments (1d4): 2
Songs (2d4 + 1): 8
Length Range (3d30): Between 11 to 41 minutes total
Relaxation: 3 week time limit
Reflection: Incorporate themes of memory
Recital: Incorporate your voice (record and process as you please, does not count as one of the two instruments)
released December 29, 2022
Music by Raccoon Fink
Mastered by Jamie Hill at Department of Energy Management, Tacoma (deptofenergymgmt.com)