
daYs ending in Y

£0.00 or more. Digital download. MP3 and FLAC

1. aAa freestYle 02:18
2. aAa freestyLe (extEnded) 05:47

For those (2) who voted, thanks!


The recording process is somewhat revealed in the extended version: all created and recorded on an Artiphon Orba with stereo mics and with no prep or writing at Zehr Studio in KPL.org into Audacity, where it was amplified, lead in&out, and the tempo was sped up for the submitted version (track 1.)


Had to listen real close to try and write out the lyrics:


This is the time to be ... x4

So i got nothing to say right now ...
So i just go along and make up words ...
This is not how it goes with the professionals but i know i'm not one of those so i can have fun

Freestyle is like comin' up with stuff in your brain
When you have nothing to say
'cause you don't know how to play

You got some fog in your brain
i know it's not in the pain
What happens to you's insane
But you have got to pertain


Thanks for the insightful reviews.!.


daYs ending in Y – “aAa freestyle” Code: CANA

This is a weird little tune! Over a distorted, somewhat tinny Casio-sounding beat, we get a largely unintelligible (at least on initial listens; 3 listens in and I can sort of start to understand a few words here and there, as long as I am focused) freestyle rap. The whole thing is over in just a touch over 2 minutes, so those repeat listens won’t take a big bite out of your day, in any case, and reveal a few tiny interesting flourishes in the underlying beat as a bonus. If you like your rap on the weird and experimental side, this one is for you.

More from this artist: yesu.neocities.org/now



futzle@old.mermaid.town - [CANA] aAa freestyle by @philsawa representing canaDad

An off-the-cuff composition with some weird-out instruments.

Musically, I think this one suffers for having been sped up to fit in the four minute limit. I can slow it back down in the fedivision.party player though. That's better! Those reverse-envelope chords are still weird though

Verdict: Weird, did I say weird!

#DebListensToFedivision #Fedivision #Fedivision2024


dgar@aus.social - Surprisingly few rappers in Fedivision. Well, I was surprised. I spend a lot of time on Soundcloud though, so that probably skewed my expectations. We do get a freestyle though. “aAa freestyle” by daYs ending in Y (@philsawa) lays down a track that truly embraces the spirit of Fedivision. Glad you got a “round tuit”. Vote code CANA



MOULE@moule.world - “aAa freestyle” by @philsawa, representing canaDad [CANA]

Great track buildup, the lo-fi edge to it gives this track a lot of character! I've never heard anything quite like this and it's incredibly unique, well done!


End of reviews (so far?)


released May 31, 2024

My Nephew Kyle™ gets ©®edit for naming us "daYs ending in ¥" and for getting me back into music, and for intro'ing me to the L.A. Leakers°✓