Side Quest 1

Chris Carlier

£1.00 or more. Digital download. MP3 and FLAC

1. A Stream 01:03
2. Hoedown At The Sundown 00:12
3. As Big As The World Gets 01:21

These songs/stories accompany the main release, Patron Quest: The Search For The Mystic Fountain:

As with the main album, these tracks each tell a part of the full story.

1 (6.2). A Stream

This song/story takes place between Forge Through and Enter The Village.

After hours of moving through the forest, they finally rest as they come upon a stream of fresh water. Taking the time to replenish their canteens and wash, spirits pick up and they quickly come to forget their nightmare.

Refreshed, but not letting their guards down, they maintain course, on their way to a village in the foothills of Mount Tanogiwasha.

2 (8.2). Hoedown At The Sundown

This song/story takes place between The Sundown Saloon and A Little Too Much.

As the night goes on, after drinking several patrons under the table, Cecilia finds herself dancing up a storm with a very apprehensive (and relatively sober) Eugene. They twirl and twirl into the wee hours!

3 (12.2). As Big As The World Gets

This song/story takes place between A Warrior, Slain and Secret Passage.

Further into the mountains, between two mighty peaks, they stop to rest, eat and ponder. Stricken with grief over the loss of Barry, Dan's mind races with what he could have done to prevent this tragedy. In the increasingly cold serenity and remaining greenness of the mountain pass, he mutters an incantation and calls forth a Great Wolf Spirit.

With a gaze that seems to stare right through his soul, the spirit silently asks Dan to step forward. Dan moves toward the great phantasm and bows, "Please, Spirit, lend me your wisdom. With our leader gone, how can we go on? What can we do? There must be some spell I can learn or potion I can use to bring him back!"

With a voice that seems to come both from everywhere and from within Dan's own head, the spirit responds, "All things have happened and nothing has happened. Behold the valley as you climb the mountain. Behold the stars as you reach the peak. This is as big as the world gets."

Just as Dan proceeded to ask for clarification on these cryptic words, the Great Wolf seemed to show a sly smile, then vanished into the mountain mist.

released April 13, 2022

Written, produced, mixed and otherwise made by Chris Carlier.
As always, special thanks to Shoebill patrons: Verna Alonzo (mom) Oneil Carlier (dad).
Shout out to my wife, Mandy, who helped with character development. Nice call on adding a dog! :-]