Sever the cord, shed the scale

cayce crane

£7.00 or more. Digital download. MP3 and FLAC

1. Egret's sermon on changing sinews 07:12
2. Essence of mercury 04:38
3. Alone in a night sky which has no galaxies 02:49
4. Bastard son of the ghost fire 05:44
5. This is my talismanic worm 05:18
6. On the demon way 03:44
7. Fatal skill, eighth level 05:49
8. The martial world is paved with blood 04:35

Inspired by the many, many wuxia and kung fu films I watched earlier this year while my dad was dying, and a quote I saw online along the lines of "if you want it back, you're dragging its corpse behind you," and by many other things besides; the title taken from T.S. Eliot:

"Men learn little from others' experience.
But in the life of one man, never
The same time returns. Sever
The cord, shed the scale. Only
The fool, fixed in his folly, may think
He can turn the wheel on which he turns."

released July 7, 2023

All tracks composed, performed, and recorded live by cayce crane in March, April, and May 2023.
Album art by cayce crane